I promised you I'd make one like I did with the bird one :D. Right Pigs..
Metastrongylus Apri
- Lungworm, so lymphotracheal migration.
- L1 in the faeces.
These are little small white worms which exist in the small bronchi and bronchioles.
They are not very pathogenic. They cause:
- Decreased weight.
- May exacerbate other respiratory pathogens.
- L1 ingested by the earthworm. Earthworm is the INTERMEDIATE HOST.
- L1-L3 inside the earthworm.
- The L3 is the infective stage.
- 4 week PPP.
- Outdoor pig problem- since worms live outside in the soil most of the time. Found in pigs between 4-6 months old.
- Control via fenbendazole in feed.
- Trichinella- see trichinellosis lecture.
Ascaris Suum
- Prolific egg layers. Egg takes 3-4 weeks to develop to the egg L2.
- Eggs are resistant to disinfectants so remain viable in the environment for years.
Life Cycle
- L2 hatches in the intestine.
- Migrates to the liver where it moults to the L3 stage.
- Migrates to the lungs-> alveoli-> S.I.
- Develops to the adult in the small intestine.
- PPP= 7 weeks.
Paratenic horse= worms & beetles.
- Hypersensitivity response to the migrating larvae resulting in fibrous liver milk spots and transient pneumonia.
- Adults cause poor weight gain and mechanical blockage.
- Economical losses-> poor weight gain and liver condemnations.
- Affects young pigs.
- Clinical disease uncommon.
- Typical faecal eggs.
- MgSO4 flotation solution.
- Abattoir reports & clinical signs.
- Immunity is rapid.
- Highly resistant eggs-> steam clean indoor pens as sows contaminated the environment.
- Problem in outdoor pigs. BZ in feed.
- Routine dose before farrowing of weaned pigs and sows.
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