Protozoa are single cells organisms that possess a nucleus. They have a cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, golgi body and lysosomes.
Image points to protozoal binary fission |
Asexual reproduction occurs via four main routes:
Merozoites- little banana shaped organisms |
Schizont |
Sexual reproduction occurs via one main route
Syngamy- Two gametes fuse to form a zygote. The male gamete is known as the microgamete and the female the macrogamete. They are formed by gametogony e.g. Eimeria Tenella.
Sporogony- Asexual reproduction which normally follows syngamy within a single cell. A sporont single cell undergoes multiple divisions into sporozoites which are contained in the subdivision of the oocyst- the sporoxyst.
Blue arrow unsporulated, red arrow sporulated. |
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