Ziehl-Nielson Stain |
- Diarrhoea in calves and lambs.
- Microvilli border of enterocytes in ileum of calves etc.
- Oocysts only 5-6 micrometres and sporulate within the host unlike eimeria which sporulates outside the host.
- Best seen in Ziehl-Nielson (red oocysts) or Safranin smears (orange oocysts).
Safranin Stain |
Toxoplasmi Gondii
- Definitive host= cat.
- Intermediate host= any mammal. Second most important cause of abortion in sheep.
- Oocysts measure 12 micrometres. Sporulated oocysts contain two sporocysts. Each sporocyst contains four sporozoites.
- Asexual reproduction occurs in the intermediate host and sexual reproduction in the definitive host.
- Form bradyzoite cysts in the brain of mice= infection route.
- Banana shaped tachyzoites are the stage before bradyzoite cysts form.
- Latex agglutination or direct agglutination can be used to aid serology.
Brazyzoite cyst. |
Tachyzoites. |
- Major cause of abortion in cattle and hind leg paresis and other neurological signs in dogs.
- Definitive host= dog. Intermediate host= cattle.
- Oocysts are similar to toxoplasma oocysts.
- Tachyzoites are the invasive fast growing parasite stages.
- Brazyzoites can exist in the cerebrum of the dog.
- IFAT antibody test is used to detect antibodies in dogs and tachyzoites are fixed onto slides to serve as an antigen.
- ELISA is used to detect antibodies in cattle sera.
Cyst in Muscle |
- Small intestine of dogs, cats, wild carnivores and humans.
- Intermediate host= parasite stages.
- Schizonts in endothelial cells of blood vessels, marco and microcysts in skeletal muscle and heart muscle of ruminants, pigs and horses.
- Septae divide the cyst.
- Oocysts contain two sporozoites.
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