Pippa has been on Burns High Oats since Easter and I think she has lost a bit of weight. She palpates well now and I don't want her to lose any more. She looks bigger than she is due to all the hair and she has quite a big chest area too so that gives the illusion she is bigger than she is. I shall of course ask the opinion of the vet at a later date :).
Me- tentatively NOT touching the exhibit :)
I've also been to London overnight last weekend which was really nice with the boyfriend. We went to the British Museum where I really liked looking around the Egyptian artefact section. They also have the Rosetta stone here. I have always had an interest in ancient history and Egyptology would have been the degree I would have done as my degree if I went a non science related route earlier on in life. I just find it all really interesting.
Tower Bridge :)
We also had dinner at a lovely restaurant at the Britannia International Hotel at the Canary Wharf. It was the nicest Indian ever and I had chicken tikka masala. We then ventured out at nighttime on a night bus tour at London. We saw a lot of the major landmarks so it was one of the best overall things for our overnight trip to London. The next day we visited the Royal Mews and were a bit disappointed we didn't get to see the changing of the guards. We then went to the Tower of London which I've been interested in visiting after watching the White Queen and the Princes in the Tower legend on the BBC recently. The crown jewels were every bit as impressive as you are lead to believe, but there was a distinct lack of jewellery or simpler tiaras which I was also expecting! We had over an hour wait to see these, and I think the Tower would be a day visit if you wanted to explore every part thoroughly!
Me and the boyf with Tower Bridge in the Background :).
We also saw the Conjuring at the local cinema. It was very scary. It is based on a true story and I had to leave halfway through as I cannot deal very well with ghost stuff! Worth a visit as the storyline is gripping and will leave you with a chill!
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