My new fad at the moment episode wise is Grey's Anatomy. It's pretty awesome as it combines romance with medicine! I'm doing my annoying habit of skipping episodes though :(. I'm currently towards the end of season 2, so I have another 7 seasons to go score! I'm watching episodes because I'm severely lacking in reading books at the moment. Going to dig out my library card as I'm in need of a dire trip to the library at the end of the road to get my fix over the next three weeks when I don't have as much to do now I've finished my first five weeks of small animal placement.
Other things I am watching at the moment are the white queen, pretty little liars and switched at birth. Might have mentioned these before. I really like switched at birth as it adds a new dimension with it introducing a lot of deaf characters and their lives. I don't think the second season is quite as good as the first, but its still slightly addictive. Pretty Little Liars keeps me addicted because I want to know who 'A' is. I like the characters again and my favourite is hanna. I'm not too keen on Emily or Spencer at the moment! I think they should reveal a bit more about who A actually is. The White Queen is really good. I love history documentaries, and Edward in this is really dashing. I've always been interested in this history period especially about the princes who disappeared in the tower, and this series lets you understand the history in a really communicative way! I would recommend all of these but especially the white queen and greys :).

I also read Fifty Shades of Grey recently. Its actually not really that outrageous.. and not very skilfully written... The background story is vaguely interesting at the beginning until the plot entirely disintegrates into sordid scenes..I wouldn't recommend it. At the moment I like reading the History Mills and Boon series. Yes, I quite like romance books :D.
If you want to know about vet stuff.. you're reading a vet blog right? The things topical with me at the moment are which flea stuff to use with the lungworm increasing, the pet passport scheme and a few other things.

For dental care I generally brush my dogs teeth everyday with an enzymatic based toothpaste and small ended toothbrush and add plaque off proden to her food. Not sure how good the proden is because the brushing is meant to be the single most effective thing you can do to safeguard oral health. You can also get things to add to the dogs water as a mouthwash which are clorhexidine based which are also meant to be effective (I don't use as I don't want to overload doggy with stuff) and interestingly this is the stuff used in humans corsodyl mouthwash against gum disease administered by your dentist! I also learned that smaller dogs are more prone to dental health problems (I knew this before), but with the teeth roots stabilising the jaws, a broken jaw is actually a moderate risk in routine dental procedure! Not something I was aware of, but something I will be very wary about in future!
The pet passport scheme is something I did an essay about last year, and whether the drastic measures of six months quarantine was actually necessary as there was a lot of speculation around it. Interestingly, the vet was filling in an export for a dog to go to Japan the other week, and we have to get blood tests now in this country alongside the 21 days wait which is generally imposed because a number of countries consider us to actually not be rabies free due to our laxer pet passport restrictions! I also saw an animal which had somehow got through customs without a rabies vaccine stamped in their passport at all as proof, the animal just merely had its tapeworm treatment.. figure that one out! The vet also had a lot of trouble trying to get through to any department to figure out what he had to do with the case. There didn't seem to be any sort of process in place to act against a dog with possible rabies threat being loose in the country! The response was at least 24+ hours.
For flea and worm treatment at the moment I'm still using advocate which I really like. Its a bit pricier than normal wormers etc but it does everything but tapeworms and the main thing is it also protects against lungworm. The main ingredients are moxidectin and imidacloprid. In addition to this, the only other preventative against lungworm (angiostrongylus vasorum) is milbemax which contains milbemycin oxime (I believe). It has only just been licensed and needs to be given every month.
I used to adore Grey's Anatomy!! Sadly the last couple of series haven't been as good. I will never forgive them for what they did! *Spoiler Alert*